Identifying your target market
Who’s your target market? What’s your strategy for getting your message in front of your target market? Do you even have a strategy (or a target market?). In business, being clear on who your target market is, having a description of your absolutely ideal client, is...
Knowing your numbers
I was sad to leave ActionCOACH, my previous employer, as it provided me with such an amazing learning opportunity. I may not have been a coach, but when you get as much exposure to coaches, seminars, conferences and workshops as I did over the past few years, there’d...
I am a Coronavirus Phoenix
I lost my job during the Pandemic. I refuse to see myself as a Covid Victim, however. Instead, I am a Coronavirus Phoenix, being given a great opportunity to re-connect with what I want to do and get out there and do it. This story is one of re-birth, as I re-start my...